How do I add a tag?

  1. Browse to the tags section using the navigation panel.
  2. Click the icon in the app bar.
  3. Fill in the details on your screen. Here is a quick example for you. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
Tag name*A friendly name for your tag. Remember that a tag is a category or a collection of items.Department
Use in billing addressCheck the box if you want this tag to appear in the trip invoice and statements.☑️
Applies to*Determines if the tag applies to a traveller, a trip, or both. For example, a 'Gender' tag may only apply to a traveller but a 'Department' tag will apply to both the traveller and tripTraveller and trip
Approver email (for tag)Determines if the tag applies to a traveller, a trip, or both. For example, a 'Gender' tag may only apply to a traveller but a 'Department' tag will apply to both the traveller and tripTraveller and trip
Values*Values are the items in the category or collection that you have defined as the tag name.Marketing, Sales
Approver email (for values)The names or email addresses of travellers who may receive approval requests if this corresponding value is used in a trip's approval flow. Ensure that the traveller has sufficient rights to approve. You can only add up to three email addresses in this field.[email protected]
  1. Click the Save button and you can see the created tag.